Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter at Halls Gap

We have just come back from a successful trip to Halls Gap for Easter. Reuben was a great traveller (with help from Ashleigh) and had a great time looking at new things. The highlight of the trip was climbing to The Pinnacle. Reuben managed it easily (wearing his groovy new hat)as he was safely carried by Mike in the Baby Bjorn. Ashleigh showed her bravery by walking out on a ledge much to our fear! We also went 4 wheel driving. Ashleigh, Reuben and I slept, while Mike had fun steering the car through sandy tracks. Reuben was pretty chilled as we stopped for lunch at a camp ground- demonstrating his love for the outdoors! All in all it was a great time- with plenty of chocolate and hot cross buns.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Baby ballad with a difference

After Reuben was born, many people asked us if we had named him after the various songs about Reuben James. We had no idea that such gems were out there, so we did a google search on his name and discovered some fantastic songs! This song "The Sinking of the Reuben James" is a classic. First of many to come!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Good Old Collingwood Forever

Today the Collingwood dummy I ordered 3 weeks ago arrived. I have been checking the mail everyday, waiting for Reuben to receive a symbol of his heritage. I must admit, he spits it out more than it stays in- I put that down to it being a different shape than his original dummy. Anywho, with perseverance Reuben will grow to love the dummy of champions and become a true Collingwood Magpies supporter like his mum, uncle Pete and sister!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hot hot hot

Today we had Uncle Nick, Auntie Sarah and Jack come over for a swim. After cooling off, it was time for a photo shoot!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hot body

This weather is driving us crazy! At least Reuben is a dedicated shopper like his mother. All day at Marion in the cooler air, charming the pants of old ladies and young guys alike! At home he had to strip off. It's amazing how long his legs are. A bit of a Kermit The Frog look happening.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Botanic Gardens

On saturday we went to the Botanic Gardens for a walk and to relax. Reuben had a great time talking to himself as he lay on the grass. He looked like a little bug, wrapped up with just his head showing.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Watchin' my stories

This is currently my favourite picture of Reuben. He likes to lie on the lounge and watch TV. He was watching Desperate Housewives with me (what a champion). His cheeks are evidence that he doesn't just look like Mike, but maybe I have passed something on! The red hair seems to be legacy of his grandfather and the length from the Spiker side of the family. He has a very cheeky chuckle and likes to play with his dummy- spitting it out and laughing, waiting for me to put it back again.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Smiles all around

Growing fast

Reuben has changed a lot over the past few weeks. He's grown 1cm per week!

Here's Reuben!

As has become the custom amongst family, I have decided to make a blog for our gorgeous boy Reuben James. Born on New Year's Day (01/01/2008), he is now almost 9 weeks old and is growing fast! Reuben is part of an extended family with 3 older siblings- Aaron, Brooklyn and Ashleigh. Reuben also has 2 nieces- Esther and Sienna!